Are you Writing a Book?
Do you Need some Guidance to Get Started?
OR... Are you Ready to Publish and You Want to Equip Yourself with a #1 Best Seller Strategy?
Would You Like To Build Instant Credibility?
Do You Have a Transformational Story?

If you answered "Yes" to any of these questions, grab the A to Z Blueprint below and email Christine to connect: [email protected]

7 Intentions for Writing Your Book: 
What speaks to you?

  1. Build your business.  A book automatically identifies you as an expert in your field.

  2. From Book to Stage: Strategically position yourself as a paid Keynote Speaker. Having a published book multiplies your chances of gaining the attention of meeting planners booking paid speaking engagements.  Your book is also an amazing way to land virtual stages, podcasts, radio, and media interviews.

  3. #1 Amazon Best Seller and beyond…gain entry into bookstores globally, sell your book in bulk, gain media attention, self-publish or publish through a hybrid New York publisher, hardcover or paperback with global distribution.

  4. Use your book as a lead tool for speaking, coaching, consulting. Create online programs, retreats, challenges, or workshops from your book to build revenue and make a greater impact.

  5. Leave a Legacy:  We seek writers who are inspired to empower others and activate positive change in the world through their speaking and books.  This program includes writing your book in a way that will serve as a stepping stone to reach more people.

  6. Your Book is Your Business Card:  Build your credibility and your business.

  7. Transform lives through your story and innovative ideas.

>> Receive the FREE Writing/Publishing Blueprint &
21 Expert Tips to Reach More People with Your Book

What others are saying about Christine Gail and her Writing/Publishing Program

Renée Marino
Communication Coach, Co-Host
Tony Robbin's World Summit,
Best-Selling Author of Becoming a Master Communicator

"Christine was there for me every step of the way and when things got hard, she and her team helped me reach the next step.  Christine introduced me to my publisher and made the process so much easier. The group calls and my accountability group was like having a cheerleading team around me.  We learned from each other and held one another accountable.  Truth be told, without Christine and her program there is no way I would be a best-selling author.  I'm so grateful!

Todd Brinkman
#1 Best-Selling Author, CEO
Virtual Reality for Mainstreet

"Christine helped me see the bigger vision for my book and to reach the right target audience. There is no way I would have the opportunities I have had to meet with CEOs, Directors, and Investors without having worked with Christine. It was also a nice bonus to reach Best Seller on Amazon and have the amazing community help write reviews.  She and her program are the real deal!"

Jenni Viken
Keynote Speaker, Coach, Author
Choosing Healthy Relationships

"Before meeting Christine I knew I wanted to write a book and impact people with my story. I struggled with how to do it juggling work and family.  She helped make the process manageable and had every phase covered from writing to publishing.  As I was ready to launch my book, I left my 9-5 job and became certified in her breakthrough system.  I even reached #1 Amazon Best Seller using her simple formula.  The most rewarding thing of all is hearing from the women who are reading my book.  This book is so much bigger than I am.  I am truly grateful for Christine and this experience!"

Betsy Finkelhoo
Keynote Speaker, Best-Selling Author
The Power Affirmation Journal

"I am so grateful for Christine, our powerful, fearless, knowledgeable leader.  Through her program I had some monumental personal breakthroughs.  And in publishing through her, I saw my investment back in my first week launching!  I am so excited for the doors opening for me to speak and to be a part of more events since following her guidance.  This is just the beginning and I could not have done this without Christine."

Jill Heil
#1 Best-Selling Author
Rescuing Jack and Jill

"If you work the formula Christine has and do it in the proper way, you can be Amazon's #1 Best Seller!... because I was!  We also have our own special Authors group so if there are any questions we can learn from each other and share ideas with each other. I followed her 3-Step Media Program and landed a spot on the morning news which led to lots of book sales!  In general I have accomplished more having Christine on my side. I could not have done it without her!"

Steven Aitchison
~ Over 4 million followers ~
CEO Your Digital Formula
#1 Best-Selling Author
The Belief Principle

"I received a copy of Unleash Your Rising by Christine and thought she did an amazing job in promoting her book.  Christine was my first choice for coaching on book promotion.  The lessons I learned were invaluable and the advice I got from Christine was brilliant.  Her advice helped me become a #1 Best Seller in several categories on Amazon which was great for social proof. I don't think you'll find a more dedicated coach to help you write and promote your book."

A Glimpse into Unleash Your Rising

We are proud of our 100% Success Rate launching our Authors to #1 Amazon Best Seller! Our Authors have also been featured on Fox, NBC, ABC, Success Magazine, Yahoo Finance, TedX stages and more. Our focus is to build an entrepreneurial strategy behind your book.

Christine's back story on book publishing coaching ...

Christine Gail is a keynote speaker, TV producer, and book publishing coach. Her best-selling book Unleash Your Rising, endorsed by the legendary Les Brown, Jack Canfield, and John Assaraf, inspires readers to move past their comfort zones and ignite their purposeful stories.  

Before she wrote her book, she worked through college and graduated Magna Cum Laude with a BA in English from Rutgers University. With student loan debt she chose to go into medical sales and excelled in business development for over 13 years. 
She also spent those years studying personal development, neuroscience, and various breakthrough techniques to heal from past traumas and shift to an abundance mindset.

After becoming a Founder/CEO of a 7-figure healthcare business, she found herself in a rat race that felt unfulfilling.  For many years, she asked God, "What was I sent here to do?" and this eventually led her to meet her book coach standing in line to attend an Oprah Super Soul. Christine knew at this moment that it was time to get serious about writing her book.  Finally in 2018, after becoming a certified publishing coach and breakthrough coach, Christine entered the coaching world with a giant leap of faith.  Since then she has coached over 2,985 authors through her online trainings and programs, and she continues to live in her higher purpose to inspire others to live in theirs.  So far, her formula boasts a 100% success rate launching her authors to #1 Amazon Best Seller.  Authors in her community have landed on Fox News, NBC, ABC, Psychology Today, Success Magazine, Yahoo Finance, TedX stages and more.

Her latest exciting project, Unleash Your Story TV, is a platform for Authors and Speakers to share their transformational stories.  

Christine's coaching is catered to what you require.  Her vision is to continue to empower thousands of Authors to write and publish inspirational teaching memoirs, self-help, faith-based, health & wellness, business, and leadership books using a step-by-step turn-key process and expert team. She enjoys coaching authors on how to best monetize on their books and build an impactful legacy business.

Check out the Results of our Authors
who have Applied our Formula!

* If you would like guidance on the A to Z *
Email Christine to learn more about the
Unleash Your Best Seller Coaching Program

[email protected]


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